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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Make your own almond flour!

     I love almond flour.  It is so useful for baking and is low carb and  paleo.  It's so versatile.  You can make breads, cakes, pie crusts, all kinds of stuff.  The downside?  It is hard to find and is expensive.  I'm lucky to live in a city where there are a few places to find it but at my local Target, it is $11.50 a lb.  I could drive across town to get it for $8 a lb but that is a pain and I'm using gas money.  My solution?  Make my own!


Two 10 oz bags of almond slivers
A Magic Bullet or Food Processor

Pour slivered almonds into the Magic Bullet and in short pulses (I did around 10 seconds at a time to avoid overheating the bullet) process until you have almond flour!  Easy peasy.  Why didn't I think of this sooner?  For a couple minutes of my time, I get almond flour for $6.40/lb.  I might even be able to get it lower if I can find cheaper almond slivers.

     Now off to my Saturday baking!


Heather said...

Hi there baker! I'm Heather! I have a question about your blog. Could you email me when you get a chance?!

Unknown said...

Hi Allison, Steve Cooksey recommended that I check out your blog, and I also have a question for you. :-)
If you have time to answer some questions about T1D and the Low Carb approach, please contact me @ Thanks, Nancy